
Materiał do realizacji w tygodniu 23-27.03.2020

Klasa 4m


Materiał do zrealizowania w tygodniu 30.03-03.04.2020


Klasa I Dg

Wykonujemy zadania 1,2,3 w formie : nr. zadania , 1-a. 


Klasa IV b/m Grupa M

Zadanie 6. (0–5)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Mo was waiting in the corridor outside her class. She was feeling sick. She always felt sick in exam week. She had two exams that day and physics was first. She really hated physics. Terry looked back at her from the front of the line, then looked away quickly. Mo thought she looked guilty. She didn’t have a problem with physics. She didn’t have a problem with anything...  Little Miss Perfect!

 “Hi, Mo, it’s your favourite exam today” said Nima, laughing as she joined the line. Terry was looking at Mo again. “So what’s wrong with her?” asked Nima. “I thought you were friends.” “Yes, so did I,” said Mo. “but she hasn’t spoken to me for two weeks now. She promised to help me revise for the physics exam too, but then she ignored all my calls and texts. And when I rang her house, her mum just told me she was too busy.” said Mo angrily. “Are you listening to me Maureen Quinn?” Mr Reed was talking to the class and the other students were going into the exam room. Mo gave Nima a worried look and followed them.

Mo couldn’t answer question number five, it was too difficult. She looked up and saw Terry sitting two rows in front of her. Mo couldn’t believe it! Terry was holding her phone on her knee under the table and reading from it. It wasn’t fair!

Mo was sitting behind Terry again in the history exam that afternoon, but she hadn’t seen Terry take her phone out. Maybe she didn’t need to cheat at history. She was working on the last question, when she saw that Terry had her phone under the table. Without thinking, Mo looked up and nodded to Mr Reed. Mr Reed didn’t say anything. He just picked up Terry’s exam paper, tore it in half and pointed to the door, to tell her to leave the room.

Mo was walking towards the school gate, when she heard footsteps behind her. It was Terry. “Mo, please wait!” she called as she ran up to her. “I want to talk to you.” said Terry. “I’m really sorry I haven’t answered any of your calls but we’re having a terrible time at home. My dad is in hospital. He had an operation today and I was very worried about him. I was reading texts from my mum to see how the operation was going, but Mr Reed caught me with my phone. He thought I was cheating. He believes me now, but I have to take the exam again. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what was happening. I haven’t forgotten that you’re a good friend. Will you forgive me?”

adapted from Cheat! by Brendan Dunne

6.1. Which is true about Mo?

  1. She enjoys learning physics.
  2. She sits next to Terry at school.
  3. She always feels relaxed before an exam.
  4. She thinks Terry’s a better student than she is.

6.2. During the two weeks before the physics exam

  1. Terry helped Mo with learning.
  2. Mo ignored Terry’s phone calls.
  3. Terry wanted to visit Mo in her house.
  4. Mo was angry at Terry for her strange behaviour.

6.3. What happened during the history exam?

  1. Mo didn’t finish the exam because the teacher took her paper away.
  2. Mo used her phone to find the correct answer to one question.
  3. Mo saw Terry doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  4. Terry had a problem with answering question number five.

6.4. At the end of the school day Terry

  1. found out that Mo had some family problems.
  2. apologized to Mo for her strange behaviour.
  3. admitted she was cheating during the exam.
  4. visited somebody at the hospital.

6.5. The text is about

  1. a misunderstanding between friends.
  2. a quarrel between two girls.
  3. learning for difficult exams.
  4. a problem with a teacher.

Zadanie 7

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki 7.1.–7.3. litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.


Coffee is an integral part of Italian culture and since arriving here over six months ago, I have definitely drunk a lot of it! Of course, coffee is also very popular in the UK but coffee culture in Italy is a completely different story. In Italy, when you order a coffee in a café or bar, you are given a tiny, bitter espresso. 7.1. ________ In addition, while takeaway coffee is extremely popular among Brits, it’s not very common at all in Italy, especially in non-touristy areas. Generally, Italians prefer to drink their tiny coffees whilst standing at the bar and, for many, this short break is an important part of their day. Typically, breakfast in a bar in Italy involves a coffee and a pastry. 7.2. ________ It’s such a nice idea to head to a bar to grab a coffee and something sweet for breakfast before my work starts! Finally, I have found that coffee in Italy is much cheaper than coffee in the UK. 7.3. ________ This means that in Italy it is possible to go out for coffee regularly without breaking the bank.

  1. Normally, an espresso or a macchiato (an espresso with a drop of milk) costs around a euro and a cappuccino about €1.50!
  2. It’s also a very popular sight to see an Italian walking down the street with a paper cup full of delicious cappuccino.
  3. Cappuccinos are very popular at that time and, for me, a creamy cappuccino and a sweet

bun is the perfect way to start the day.

  1. But I’m not keen on that at all. I think it’s better to drink coffee during the lunch break or after work, when you’re very tired and need some energy.
  2. This is ‘normal coffee’ for Italians and they are not so keen on the huge coffees that we drink in the UK.


Stosowanie środków leksykalnych i gramatycznych. Ćwiczenia.

Zadanie 8. (0–5)

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


I’m sure we all know by now that you should exercise. But 8.1. ________ be honest, sometimes finding motivation to work out can be a little difficult. It shouldn’t be like that, though. Why? Because there are a lot of benefits to exercising. Firstly, when you work out, your body produces endorphins, 8.2. ________ you happiness. You will feel 8.3. ________ better after a workout than you did before it. What’s more, exercise might make you more 8.4. ________ and that can help in your social or work life. It helps to relieve stress, too. Focusing on lifting weights or going for a run can help you 8.5. ________ the problems of daily life, studies or work. Finally, exercise makes us feel stronger and fitter with time. And who doesn’t want that?






A.      let’s

B.       must

C.       will you

A. who gives

B. which give

C .that is giving

A .many more

B. way much

C. far more

A. confidently

B. confidence

C. confident 

A. forget

B. forgetting

C.to have forgotten


Zadanie 9. (0–5)

W zadaniach 9.1.–9.5. wybierz odpowiedź (A–C), która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę w zdaniu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

9.1. The teacher will punish you ( jeśli nie przestaniesz) ________ making so much noise.

  1. if you stop
  2. when you stop
  3. unless you stop

9.2. She encouraged her friend (do wzięcia udziału) ________ in a writing competition.

  1. to take part
  2. in taking part
  3. that she took part

9.3. Nobody (oczekiwał, że ona wygra) ________.

  1. expected she wins
  2. expected her to win
  3. expected for her winning

9.4. My friend told me that his sister (wygrała) ________ a dancing competition the day before.

  1. won
  2. has won
  3. had won

9.5. I failed the test (pomimo że) ________ I was learning all weekend.

  1. even though
  2. in spite of
  3. despite


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 06-08.04.2020

Klasa IV b/m, grupa M.

Na początek kilka uwag i próśb dla wszystkich:

1/ Proszę przysyłać prace wykonane w całości . Wysyłanie na raty stwarza zamieszanie, konieczność powracania do poprzednich maili i naprawdę utrudnia proces sprawdzania.

2/ Proszę zwracać uwagę na datę i godzinę , do której trzeba się rozliczyć  z zadaniem.

3/ W tym tygodniu prace będą sprawdzane na bieżąco.

5/ Zachęcam do większej samodzielności w rozwiązywaniu zadań.

Zadanie z projektu.

Termin wykonania: 09.04.2020, godzina 20.00.

Szanowni Uczniowie,

w tej części ćwiczymy zadania maturalne, proszę się nie zrażać co do ilości zadań/ 3/. Na spokojnie proszę przeczytać zadania i spróbować je rozwiązać. Pamiętajcie że odpowiedzi są sformułowane w taki sposób, ze nigdy nie powtarzają słów z tekstu.


Zadanie 1(0–4)

Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwe nagłówki (A–F) do każdego fragmentu tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca (4.1.–4.4.). Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.

A How to get there.

B The best time to come. 

C Using our website.

D Something for everyone. 

E Finding the right tickets.

F What Greenwich has to offer.


 Come to Greenwich, home to the world famous planetarium and observatory and one of the most attractive areas of London.

4.1. The Observatory and Planetarium are a part of the Royal Museums of Greenwich which also include the historic ship, The Cutty Sark, the National Maritime Museum and the magnificent Queen’s House. In addition, Greenwich is full of shops, restaurants and beautiful green spaces. Come for the day. ....

4.2. The Planetarium offers events aimed to appeal to a wide range of ages and interests. There are film shows and workshops for pre-school children, activities for those studying sciences at school as well as courses in astronomy and physics for adults. Check out the website for more details. ......

4.3. The Planetarium offers talks and film shows throughout the day, many of them free of charge. During the summer combine your visit with a lunchtime picnic in Greenwich Park. In the winter, stay until dark when a laser beam shines northwards from the Planetarium along the line of 0o longtitude. ...

4.4. Greenwich is linked to central London by buses, the underground, normal rail services and the Docklands Light Railway. You can also arrive by boat from Tower Bridge, The London Eye or Westminster. You can find out more about all transport links on the website www.tfl.gov.uk ....


 Zadanie 2  (0–5) Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C 


 Over the last ten years, television all over the world 8.1. .....by talent shows. Singers, dancers, actors, jugglers, comedians and others have all had a chance to show what they can (or can’t) do. Millions of people watched and 8.2. ......for their favourites. Even the judges became stars. However, the latest series was watched by three million fewer people than the previous one. So what happened? Perhaps viewers realized that the shows could be cruel and that some of the people 8.3........ have appeared on them were not ready for the fame and publicity that the programme brought. Perhaps people are just bored with the shows. After all, every year seems to bring 8.4. .......surprises. So, viewing figures are down and winners can no longer be guaranteed even a short period of success after the show has finished. Is there any way for talent shows to win back our interest or is it time for television executives to 8.5. ........their vast salaries and come up with a new form of entertainment to excite the nation? In my opinion, the talent show has had its day. Let’s have some new ideas for a change.

8.1. A has dominated   B has been dominated  C has been dominating

8.2. A voted  B chose  C elected

8.3. A which  B who  C whose

8.4. A less  B fewer  C least

8.5. A win  B pay  C earn

Zadanie 9. (0–5)

W zdaniach (9.1.–9.5.) spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

9.1. Angie arrived a few seconds ago. 

A has just arrived.

B is just about to arrive.

C hasn’t arrived yet.

9.2. When I was a child, crime rates weren’t as high as they are now. 

A there was the same amount of crime as there is now.

B there was less crime than there is now.

C there was more crime than there is now.

9.3. I’ll lose my job if I’m late again this week. 

A unless I’m late again this week.

B if I’m on time every day this week.

C unless I’m on time every day this week.

9.4. I’m not a fan of football.

A very good at football.

B very keen on football.

C able to play football.

9.5. I like holidays because I can get up late in the morning.

A mustn’t get up early in the morning.

B don’t have to stay in bed in the morning.

C don’t have to get up early


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 06-08.04.2020

Zajęcia projektowe z języka angielskiego

Klasa I Dg

Wykonane prace proszę przysyłać do dnia 10.04.2020 z dopiskiem :”Zajęcia projektowe z języka angielskiego”

Zadanie 1.

Wybierz  i podkreśl prawidłowy zwrot.

1/ I have got  some / any homework to finish  this  evening.

2/ There are some / any fruit trees in our garden.

3/ Have you got some / any pets?

5/ Some / Any people play video games every day.

Zadanie 2.

Uzupełni  zdania wyrazami  “a few”   albo “a little”

1/ I saw Harry ……. hours ago.

2/ I only want ….. water. I am not very thirsty.

3/ I bought …. CDs on Saturday.

4/ There are ……….. goof cafes in our town.

5/  please spend ….time tidying your room.

Zadanie 5.

Uzupełni pytania wyrazami “ How much..”   „How many…”

1/………. films do you see at the cinema each month?

2/ ………time do you spend watching TV every day.

3/………..text messages do you send each day?

4/ ………..money do you spend on DVDs and video games each month?

5/ ………….televisions are there in your home?




Materiał do realizacji w terminie 13-17.04.2020



Klasa III D

Zadanie Projektowe: My favourite computer game.

Termin wysyłania prac: 18.04.2020 do godziny 20:00.

W tytule proszę podać:  projekt, data 17.04.2020, imię , nazwisko, klasa.

Zadanie .

 Dane zadanie biedzę polegało na znalezieniu w internecie informacji na temat ulubionej gry komputerowej, historii jej powstania, autora i na czym ta gra polega, jakie umiejętności rozwija.

Następnie trzeba będzie napisać wypracowanie na temat swojej ulubionej gry komputerowej na podstawie znalezionej informacji i treści tekstu w podręczniku „Why video games are good for your health ( str.36).

Pisaliśmy podobne wypracowanie na temat swojego ulubionego filmu.

Niżnej podaje schemat wypowiedzi ale mile widziane własne rozwiazania.

1/ A lot of teenages love playing computer games because they …are (opinia)…

2/ There are different types of computre games:…….,………..,……..

3/Opisać krótko jeden rodzaj gry. Na przykład : city-building game. Na czym ona polega.

4/ As to me, I love playing……...because this game is……….. and………

5/ Krótko historia gry i zasady.

6/ In my opinion computer games are very useful because they develop…….skills.

Teenagers who play computer games a lot learn better i td……...( zalety gier, które wpływają na nastolatek. Tu korzystamy z tekstu)

 Niech was poniesie fantazja!



Materiał do realizacji w terminie 20-23.04.2020


Klasa IV b/m - grupa M   -  Zadanie projektowe.

Termin dostarczania prac: 21.04.2020 do godziny 20.00.

Przypominam mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Zadanie 1: Czytanie ze zrozumieniem. Wybór: True/False

Zadanie 7. (0–5) Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz w tabeli znakiem X, które ze zdań (7.1.–7.5.) jest prawdziwe (True), a które fałszywe (False).


Richard’s father had threatened to send him to boarding school several times before. Although Richard had attended school briefly, most of his education had taken place at home where there were very few rules. As a result, despite the best efforts of his tutors, who did all they could to educate him, his behaviour was poor and his knowledge was much more limited than that of other students of the same age. Richard was so against the idea of boarding school that his father had allowed him to continue at home. Then, when Mr. Grant saw his son making friends with a group of boys who he considered to be a bad influence on Richard, he again decided to send him. He had actually found a suitable place for him, but couldn’t afford it at that time. However, Richard was still only 16 and his father was confident that there was still time to give him the discipline he needed. The establishment which Mr. Grant had selected for his son was the Tunbrook Military Institute. This place had been chosen not because it was a military institution, but because of its principal, Colonel Brockridge. He was a thorough teacher, and was determined to help those who were entrusted to his care. He was a “positive man,” and had no fear of what the parents of his students said or did. They could never make him alter his plans or change his opinion. The colonel believed in discipline; and he believed that he could best train the boys by adopting military routine. His results justified his theory. His school had more applicants than he had places. Richard knew all about the Tunbrook Military Institute. He had carefully read its brochure, and its rules and regulations. They did not suit him. When his father had told him he would have to go there, he went to his bedroom. He thought about arguing with his father and frightening his sister by threatening to run away to sea. However, he knew that a life at sea would be much worse than at any school. Instead, he thought about what he had done. He had been caught stealing and setting fire to a barn. He was worried about his future and knew that something must be done. All his life he had succeeded against the challenges he had faced. He was master of boats, of horses, of servants, and even of his friends; but there was one more challenge he had to face. One that he didn’t know if he could win. The challenge was to change himself.

True False

7.1. Richard had never studied at a real school before.

7.2. Richard’s relationship with his friends made Richard’s father more determined to send him to boarding school.

7.3. Colonel Brockridge trained his students for a career in the army.

7.4. The main reason why Richard did not argue with his father is that he knew that he had to change his way of life.

7.5. In the text, the author proves that Richard has learned nothing from his mistakes.

Zadanie 2.


Zadanie 10. (0–10) Niedawno rozpocząłeś/aś pracę wakacyjną.  Napisz e-mail do swojego angielskiego kolegi.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są wytłuszczone).

Oceniana jest

- umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty),

- spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty),

- bogactwo językowe (2 punkty)

- poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Razem: 10 pkt.

Dear Simon, I’ve just started my first ever summer job.


I’ll write again when I get time.




Klasa IV b/m grupa M

Wykonane zadania proszę przysyłać do 23.04.2020 do godziny 20.00.

Zadanie 5. (0–3)

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (5.1.–5.3.) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

LIKE EXPERIMENTING? With four children to keep happy and the weather not suitable for the beach, we decided to visit the Experyment science centre in Gdynia. It was an easy bus ride to the centre and we entered, hoping that the children would enjoy it. 5.1.         The children scattered to find things that they enjoyed and, despite the fact that their ages ranged from six to thirteen, they all managed to find something very quickly. There were queues for some of the most exciting activities but that still left a lot to do. The centre was an ideal size as it kept the children happy for two hours and no-one got bored. There was also useful information by each activity which helped us to explain what they were doing and what they could learn from it. For someone with limited scientific knowledge this was invaluable. 5.2.         The centre was a cheap, fun way to spend the morning. 5.3.         However, as we waited for the bus back to the hotel and the waiting swimming costumes, the excited conversations weren’t about what was to come but what they had just seen and done.

A They were helpful and patient.

B Even better, while we were there, the sun came out.

C We didn’t have to worry as there were many things to do.

D Other people had obviously had the same idea.

 E It made the day educational as well as fun.

Zadanie 6. (0–3)

Przeczytaj trzy teksty o warunkach i środowisku pracy. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1


To all staff Changes to staff working conditions. •  From now on, there will be three separate lunch breaks to ensure that each section will remain operational throughout the day. You will be allocated a lunch hour each Monday. This cannot be changed. •  Uniforms should now be left at work on Fridays and a new one collected on Monday morning. Staff must be here half an hour before work on Mondays to collect their uniforms and change. This time is NOT counted as work time and will not be paid. Thank you for your co-operation.

6.1. Staff reading the note may be upset about

A having to be at work earlier than previously.

B having to wear a uniform from now on.

C having shorter lunch breaks.

Tekst 2


When the ink in the printer is nearly finished, the yellow warning light (1) will flash. You will be able to print about ten more pages at normal print quality or twenty on economy settings. When removing the ink, lift the front panel (2) while the printer is on. Remove the empty cartridges by pressing on the top of the cartridge. Carefully remove the protective tape on the new cartridge and click into place in the printer. Before using the new ink, make a test copy by pressing button C1 on the printer (3).

6.2. The purpose of the text is to explain

A how to set up a new printer for use.

B what different print settings there are on the printer.

C how to replace empty ink cartridges with new ones.

Tekst 3

What would YOU do?

Stan Parkinson was standing in front of his boss. Stan had taken time off for his son’s wedding even though he had already used up all his holiday time for the year. Instead of ‘going off sick’ as everyone advised, he had asked permission. The boss had refused but Stan had gone to the wedding anyway, risking the loss of his job. Stan wasn’t listening to his boss. He was remembering the wedding. What a great day. He smiled to himself. Suddenly, his boss’s tone changed. “Do you find this funny?” he asked Stan angrily.

6.3. Stan had to go and see his boss because he

A had pretended he was sick.

B had laughed at his boss.

C had not obeyed his boss’s decision.

Zadanie 9. (0–5) W zdaniach (9.1.–9.5.) wybierz słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

9.1. Wendy,         you like to come to my party on Saturday? What         you do if you won a million pounds?

A do

B would

C will

9.2. Peter’s very good         computers. He’ll help you. I’m sorry that I didn’t keep in touch         my friends from primary school.

A at

B for

C with

9.3. How         does this skirt cost? I haven’t got         homework to do this evening.

A many

B any

C much

9.4. I’m going to         this shirt back to the shop. I don’t like it. You have to         the first turning on your right.

A return

B take

C send

9.5. My dream is to         a lot of money and retire when I’m 40. Try not to         any silly mistakes in the exam.

A make

B have

C earn


Zadanie 10. (0–10) Właśnie zakończył się twój ostatni dzień w szkole średniej. Napisz o tym na swoim blogu. • Napisz, co robiłeś/aś ostatniego dnia. • Opisz, jak się teraz czujesz. • Opisz, czego najbardziej będzie ci brakować. • Napisz o swoich planach na lato.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są wytłuszczone). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).


School’s out! Today was my last ever day at school.

I still can’t quite believe it’s all over!



Materiał do realizacji w terminie 24.04.2020

Klasa IDg 

Zadania wysyłamy do 25.04.2020 do godziny 20.20. Mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Utrwalamy stosowanie czasowników modalnych.

1/ Zadanie 1.

Uzupełni zdania czasownikami modalnymi : mustn’t – nie wolno- dla wszystkich osób.

(I,we, they,you) -don’t have to – nie ma potrzeby,

(he,she,it) doesn’t have to – nie ma potrzeby.

Proszę zwrócić uwagę, ze dla różnych osób stosujemy  rożne formy:

don’t have to  i doesn’t have to.

1/ He is a brilliant student – he ……….work hard to get good marks.

2/ You can stay up late, but you ……..make a lot of noise and wake up your sister.

3/ We …… forget the mane of our hotel.

4/ She always pays by credit card so that she ……… carry a lot of money with her.

5/ You ……… tell  Jack about the party – it’a a secret! 

2/ Zadanie 2.

Przeczytaj ogłoszenie o imprezie „Quiz night – wieczór pytań i odpowiedzi”.


Uzupełni zdania stosując : must/ have to albo don’t have/ needn’t.

1/ You ……...part of a team.

2/ You …….. arrive after 6 o’clock.

3/ You …….. pay $3 to enter the quiz.

4/ You …….. a student at the school.

5/ You …….. use smartphones.



Materiał do realizacji w terminie 08.05.2020

Klasa I Dg.

Zadanie projektowe z języka angielskiego

Prace proszę dostarczyć do środy 13.05.2020.

 Mail: sinill@fajnaszkola.net

Temat:Utrwalenie słownictwa i struktur gramatycznych ( unit 3)


1 Wybierz odpowiedni zwrot. Forma odpowiedzi : 1-a few.

1 There are only a few / a little actors in that new play.

2 It doesn’t matter how much / how many action scenes there are in a film if there isn’t a good storyline.

3 I think some / any soundtracks are more interesting than the film itself.

4 Have you got much / many money with you?

5 There is much / a lot of work to do if you want to finish today.

6 There weren’t some / any people left in the building.

7 There are not much / not many sitcoms that I like.

8 Would you like some / a little new video games for your birthday?

2   Przeczytaj definicje filmów i programów TV i wpisz odpowiednie słowo. Forma odpowiedzi: 1- comedy.

  1. I watch this every day to find out what’s happening in the world. __________________
  2. I don’t really like this type of film because the actors are always singing. __________________
  3. I like this type of programme, especially if I know the answers to the questions. __________________
  4. In this type of film, a man and a woman meet, and after some problems they fall in love at the end. __________________
  5. This is a film about events from the past; the actors always wear beautiful costumes. __________________
  6. In this programme, real people perform a special skill and the audience chooses the winner. __________________


3  Przeczytaj dialogi i wybierz najlepsza odpowiedź. Forma odpowiedzi: 1-a.

Dialogue 1

Ben                 Which project shall we do? We have a choice of three.

Sue                 ___

Ben                 Why?

Sue                 Because we already know a lot about the topic and we don’t need to do a lot of research. It will be easy!

  1. It’s impossible to choose.
  2. Let’s opt for this one.
  3. I’m rejecting this one.

Dialogue 2

Teacher          Which grammar point do you want to look at?

Chris               ___

Teacher          OK. Let’s have a look, then.

  1. I’ve chosen the past simple because I’m not sure about the irregular verbs.
  2. The reason for my choice is that I don’t understand it.
  3. I’d prefer to do that before we go on to look at other things.

Dialogue 3

Sam                Which band shall we go and see?

Josh                How about Angel Planet?

Sam                Good idea. ___

  1. I don’t think The Mega Bots will be as boring.
  2. I don’t think The Mega Bots will be as much fun.
  3. I don’t think The Mega Bots will be as unrealistic.


4 Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz najlepsza odpowiedź. Forma odpowiedzi: 1-A.

Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about!

1/   What is the best title for the article?

A  What to expect as a film and TV extra

B  My life as a film and TV extra

C  From TV extra to film star

2/  The writer suggests that you will get an ‘extra’ job if

A you have the right clothes.

B you are in the right place.

C your appearance is right.

3/  The writer says that if you get a part, you may need to

A do something with your hair.

B  find something to wear.

C  practise doing your make-up.

4/   What does the writer think is a benefit of being an extra?

A You can meet famous actors.

B You will get noticed by the film director.

C You might get jobs for your friends.

5/  What does the writer think about the job of an extra?

A It is very popular with actors.

B It can be a bit boring.

 C It is always well paid.

Materiał do realizacji w terminie 15.05.2020


Klasa I Dg.

Język angielski zadanie projektowe.

Proszę opisać w 20 zdaniach swoją ulubioną porę roku.

Tu podaję przykład, jak można o tym napisać.


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 18.05.2020

Klasa I Dg

Zadanie projektowe.

1/ Vocabulary- Powtarzamy słownictwo opisujące pogodę.

Forma odpowiedzi: 1-a.

Choose the correct answers.

 2. Write the adjectives next to the temperatures. There is one extra adjective.

Naprzeciwko każdej wartości ( temperatury) piszemy odpowiedni przymiotnik. Jeden przymiotnik został podany dodatkowo.

Forma odpowiedzi: 1-warm.

mild     sweltering     warm     freezing     hot     cool

1/ 48°C     __________________

2/ 35°C     __________________

3/ 24°C     __________________

4/ 18°C     __________________

5/ 9°C       __________________


 Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

Przeczytać tekst  i zaznaczyć odpowiedzi:True lub False.

10 Singing in the rain

You wake up in the morning and there’s snow on the ground, but on the walk to school the sun comes out and it feels like summer. You go outside at lunchtime because it’s still sunny, but you get caught in a thunderstorm. On your way home, it’s so hot that you have to take off your jumper. Does it sound familiar? If it does, then you probably live in the UK.

11 The weather in the UK is unpredictable, and this is partly because of the location of the British Isles. Cold polar air from the north and warmer air from the Tropics, brought by the Gulf Stream, push against each other to create the UK's changeable weather patterns.

12 This means that weather forecasting in the UK is a difficult job, and the people who do it can have embarrassing moments. For example, in 1987, weather forecasters missed a huge storm that was coming towards the UK. There was no mention of the storm during the daytime weather forecast, but later that night, a place called Sevenoaks near London lost six of its seven famous oak trees when the strong wind blew them down.

13 These days, UK weather forecasters usually know about extreme weather that is about to hit the country, and they also try not to make unrealistic predictions about the weather. For example, they don’t say that there’s going to be a ‘barbecue summer’ (a very hot summer when people can cook outside all the time) or a freezing winter, because usually the opposite happens. They now only forecast a maximum of five days, and people don’t even trust that – they check regularly to see if a forecast is still correct.

14 You may think that living with this sort of weather every day makes people unhappy, but actually it has an unexpected effect on a lot of people in the UK. They tend to get more excited by sunshine than most people. They are likely to change into summer clothes whenever they see the sun, whether it is August or December. They don’t mind the rain and they’re always prepared for it, with their waterproof coats, boots and umbrellas ready by the front door. They also know how to have a good time despite the weather. Rainy summers are so common that people try not to let the weather spoil their fun. In fact, for some people, particularly young children, the rain can be fun, and you may even find them singing in the rain!

15 The UK’s position causes changes in the weather. ___

16 In 1987, forecasters warned people about a storm. ___

17 In the storm, Sevenoaks lost most of its famous trees. ___

18 UK weather forecasters make promises about the weather. ___

19 The writer says people in the UK expect rain in the summer. ___

Materiał do realizacji w terminie 22.05.2020


klasa I D g

Zadanie Projektowe z języka angielskiego.

Termin wykonania : 24.05.2020.

mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Temat: Utrwalenie struktur gramatycznych (unit 4)

1 An elephant is much __________________ (big) a mouse.

2 Winter is __________________ (warm) autumn in Poland.

3 Noon is __________________ (early) than midnight.

4 A worm is __________________ (long) a snake.

5 At 3,776 m, Mount Fuji is __________________ (high) Mount Ararat, which is 5,137 m.

6 A cup of coffee is much __________________ (hot) an ice-cream.

7 A car is __________________ (cheap) a bicycle.

FACT FILE: Did you know?


cold     dangerous     expensive     fast     high     old     powerful     small

1 Mount Everest is __________________ mountain in the world.

8 Vatican City is __________________ country in the world.

9 San Pedro Sula is __________________ city in the world.

10 The Pink Star diamond is __________________ diamond in the world.

11 The cheetah is __________________ animal on the planet.

12 Jeanne Calment is __________________ person on record.

13 The Plateau Station in Antarctica is __________________ place in the world.

1 ‘Why isn’t this cake sweet?’
‘Because there isn’t _______________________ in it.’ (sugar)

14 ‘Would you like to go for a walk this afternoon?’
‘Not really, it’s _______________________ outside.’ (cold)

15 ‘Why is the garden so dry?’
‘Because there wasn’t _________________________ this summer.’ (rain)

16 ‘Do you want to go to the cinema?’
‘I can’t because it’s _________________________ and I’ve got school tomorrow.’ (late)

17 ‘Why did you turn the radio off?’
‘Because the music was _________________________ .’ (loud)

18 ‘Why don’t you wear that new coat I bought you?’
‘Because it’s not _________________________ .’ (big)


1 A hill (nie jest tak wysokie jak) a mountain.

a is not taller than

b is not as high as

c is much shorter than

2 (Wygląda jakby) a thunderstorm is approaching.

a It shows that

b In my view

c It looks as if

3 Don’t wear those trousers – (nie są wystarczająco duże dla ciebie).

a they're too big for you

b they're not bigger than you

c they're not big enough for you

4 They had to (zamknąć) the restaurant because of the economical crisis.

a close down

b close up

c close off

5 Her family (była zbyt biedna, żeby pojchać) on holiday abroad.


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 26.05.2020

Klasa 1D

Prace proszę wysyłać  do 28.05.2020

Mail:Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Temat: Czytanie ze zrozumieniem. Zadanie maturalne  typu : wielokrotny wybór.

Podręcznik” zadania 2/50 , 5/51.

  1. Zadanie 2/50.

a/W tym zadaniu czytamy 3 teksty i wybieramy prawidłowa odpowiedz.

Forma odpowiedzi: 1-a.

b/ Zadanie 2/50 .Proszę podać szczegółową odpowiedz na jedno pytanie do każdego tekstu.

Tekst A.

What is the best time to try storm chasing and why?

Tekst B.

How did the author’s aunt and uncle prepare for the hurricane?

Tekst C.

How are  engineers trying to solve the problem of little light in Rjukan in Norway?

2/ Zadanie 5/51.

Czytamy tekst i wybieramy najlepszą odpowiedz.

Forma odpowiedzi: 1-a.


Do wykonania mamy trzy zadania:

-2/50 (a)

-2/50 (b)



Materiał do realizacji w terminie 29.05.2020

Klasa I Dg

Język angielski  Zadanie projektowe.

Termin wykonania : 01.06.2020.

Mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

1/ Zadanie 1.

Ułożyć krzyżówkę zawierającą nazwy klęsk żywiołowych i problemów środowiska.

Kluczowe słowo w pionie:  ENVIRONMENT.

2/ Zadanie 2.

Znaleźć w Internecie informację o dowolnym problemie środowiskowym i opisać go po angielsku w 10 zdaniach.


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 01.06.2020

Klasa I Dg 

Zadanie projektowe. Termin wysłania prac: 03.06.2020 do godziny 20.00.

Temat: Rozwiązanie problemów środowiska.

Zadanie : Przeczytać o sposobach rozwiązania problemów środowiska. Wybrać jeden ze sposobów i przetłumaczyć w zeszycie .  Akapit z zieloną strzałką na dole  nazwać „Solutions - Rozwiązania”  , przepisać do zeszytu i przetłumaczyć.


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 05.06.2020


Klasa I Dg 

Termin wykonania: 08.06.2020.

Mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Temat: Utrwalenie struktur leksykalnych i gramatycznych . Unit 4.

1/ Zadanie 1. Wielokrotny wybór. Forma odpowiedzi: 1-a.



Materiał do realizacji w terminie 15.06.2020

Klasa I Dg

Zadanie projektowe. 

Wykonane zadanie proszę wysłać do 16.06.2020 do godziny 20.00.

Mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Forma  wykonania: Zadanie 1. 1-a.


Materiał do realizacji w terminie 19.06.2020


Klasa I Dg 

Termin wykonania: 20.06.2020 do godziny 20.00.

Temat: British  Royal Family



Proszę obejrzeć film o brytyjskiej rodzinie królewskiej i odpowiedzieć na poniższe pytania.


1.Who was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace?

  1. Why is the Guards’ uniform famous all over the world?
  2. What do they call the big black bearskin hat?
  3. What is it made from?
  4. How much does the hat weigh?
  5. How many birthdays does the Queen have ?
  6. When does the Queen celebrate her birthdays?
  7. Does the Queen need any documents?
  8. What’s the Queen’s surname?

10.What decisions does the Queen have to take?

  1. How many children does the Queen have? What are their names?

12 Which colours represent the British flag?

Materiał do realizacji w terminie 22.06.2020


Klasa IDg

Zadanie projektowe z języka angielskiego.

Termin wykonania: 23.06.2020.

Mail: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie obsługi JavaScript.

Temat: Elementy wiedzy o krajach anglojęzycznych. ‘This is London’

 Watch the video and  write down 10   most famous landmarks in London.
